Sunday, February 24, 2013

Blog Post #6

The Networked Student

The Networked Student was an interesting video written by Wendy Drexler about how students can use the internet to help them learn. It talked about how instead of books, students build up a network of scholarly sources and websites to help them learn. They can use Google Scholar to help look up scholarly sources for research and a bookmarking site to help save information and websites found so they can return to them for reference. Students have access to blogs from all over the world to read and share their own opinions, respectfully of course. They also have access to some of the top professors and tops schools all over the country by podcast. 

With all this valuable information at their fingertips, why do students even need teachers anymore? They need teachers to teach them how to use the technology set before them and how to use it efficiently to their advantage to further and expand their education.  They also need teachers to teach them how to be respectful with their opinions and blogging etiquette.

I like the idea of the networked student. I think it would be very beneficial for students to be taught this approach to studying and research because I think it teaches them how to use technology (obviously) and it teaches them how to find reliable, scholarly resources without being hesitant. I didn't even know Google Scholar existed until watching to video. It could have saved me many headaches trying to find good, scholarly sources! I loved the bookmarking site where the students could keep track of all their resources online and in one place so they didn't have to go hunt them down over and over again. I also love the fact that high school students have access to podcast from some of the top professors and schools in the country as resources. I think if I had an older elementary class, I would definitely use student networking so they will know how to navigate the internet and know how to find sources that are reliable, and they can connect with other teachers/students from around the world.

A 7th Grader's Personal Learing Environment

Wow! Her PLE was amazing! I really enjoyed her presentation and loved how she brought the view through it. The 7th grader talked about how she loved this way of learning because she has more freedom to do her school work how she wants to and at her pace. She made it clear that she "doesn't have to do it". The freedom available to them helps them learn to be responsible and independent. Her PLE is a lot better than mine in comparison. I need to step it up!


  1. It is happening right now - in Baldwin County. The most advanced is Gulf Shores Elementary. You should see what Anthony Capps' third graders are doing. The students are very successful in doing a 3rd grade version of the networked studentand they love it. A new training project called the Digital Renaissance Leadership Academy started yesterday (2/25/13) in Baldwin County. All teachers will be trained to be Baldwin County's equivalent of a networked teacher. There are almost 300 in the first year long program of DRLA. In all grades. It will be exciting to watch it happen. So get ready. You will have to be a networked teacher if you want to teach in Baldwin County.

  2. Your post was very good. I am impressed with your writing skills. I agree with you about older elementary students developing a PLN for projects like the seventh grader demonstrated. One of my C4K was for a second grade class blog in New Zealand. Each student in the class has a page that shows some of their work from first grade. Apparently their work pages will grow and move up with them from year to year. I thought it was adorable.
